Our story...

The GSNDAMBAA SCUBA Diving Club was born one dark, slightly inebriated February evening in 1990 as the Greater Seattle Night Diving and MicroBrewery Appreciation Association. As one of the world’s most difficult to pronounce acronyms -- GSNDAMBAA -- our name kinda sounds like a sneeze. Originally created to keep newly-certified divers from getting too dry behind the ears, GSNDAMBAA has evolved into a good excuse to have a great time.  Diving is still the primary activity practiced by club members, but we indulge in many other diverse (divers?) activities.  Non-diving friends and family members are always welcome at our informal meetings: we’re not dive snobs.

We are also not diving idiots.  Despite the possible connotations of our name, GSNDAMBAA members are committed to safe diving practices.  We are vocal supporters of safe and sane diving.  We have fun and act a little silly, but diving safety is never compromised.

GSNDAMBAA also supports local efforts to protect and enhance Puget Sound.  We are supporters of Washington SCUBA Alliance (WSA) and participate in many of their programs.

Image one
Spanky Seastar

Monthly Meetings

We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 6PM via Google Meet.

Meetings last approximately one hour.

Join us! Friends and family are welcome - divers and non-divers.

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We plan a club dive once a month - typically in and around Puget Sound. We also try to plan a trip once per year to enjoy some warm water diving, or some cold water diving in some other location. The details about upcoming dives are published in our monthly newsletters.

Here are a few of our recent dives in Puget Sound and other lovely places. For more details, please read our past monthly newsletters.

Cove 2 (Seacrest Park)

God's Pocket

Rajah Ampat


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For more details about our fantastic club, check out these links to our monthly newsletters.

October 2024 (PDF)

September 2024 (PDF)

August 2024 (PDF)

July 2024 (PDF)

June 2024 (PDF)

May 2024 (PDF)

April 2024 (PDF)

March 2024 (PDF)

February 2024 (PDF)

January 2024 (PDF)

December 2023 (PDF)

November 2023 (PDF)

October 2023 (PDF)

September 2023 (PDF)

August 2023 (PDF)

July 2023 (PDF)

June 2023 (PDF)

May 2023 (PDF)

April 2023 (PDF)

March 2023 (PDF)

February 2023 (PDF)

January 2023 (PDF)

December 2022 (PDF)

November 2022 (PDF)

October 2022 (PDF)

September 2022 (PDF)

August 2022 (PDF)

July 2022 (PDF)

June 2022 (PDF)

May 2022 (PDF)

April 2022 (PDF)

March 2022 (PDF)

February 2022 (PDF)

January 2022 (PDF)

December 2021 (PDF)

November 2021 (PDF)

October 2021 (PDF)

September 2021 (PDF)

August 2021 (PDF)

July 2021 (PDF)

June 2021 (PDF)

May 2021 (PDF)

April 2021 (PDF)

March 2021 (PDF)

February 2021 (PDF)

January 2021 (PDF)

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Membership is simple and fun.

Single membership dues: $5.00 per year

Family membership dues: $10.00 per year

Membership Form    (Please bring your form to our next meeting!)

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Page updated May 25, 2017